As a market research technology company principally engaged in serving the needs of the technology community, we are often...

    Marketers often need to update their models and paradigms to keep up with changing consumer preferences and media.

    In this increasingly data-driven world it is becoming more important for businesses to be customer intelligent in order to...

    The Venture Market and Six Points of Risk

    by Marc Pitcher on Wed, Nov 18, 2020 @ 08:41 PM

    Last Friday I slipped the gentle bonds of silicon valley research and attended the University Of Pennsylvania's Wharton...

    Recently I slipped the gentle bonds of silicon valley research and attended the University Of Pennsylvania's Wharton School...

    New technologies and Customer Anthropology

    by Alan Nazarelli on Tue, Nov 10, 2020 @ 08:30 PM

    New C-level group formed in Silicon Valley for Thought Leadership Program

    Silicon Valley Research Group is creating a...

    I recently tried to migrate our company to Here is a primer on HOW NOT TO SERVICE YOUR CUSTOMER.

    In this installment, let's focus on implementation. To recap from part 1, when Seth Godin first published his book, the...

    So, some Interesting facts from the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project: More people surveyed say they...

    On Friday, I shared with you the first part of a message from noted business success guru Jay Abraham. As promised, I...

    In our last blog post, we introduced a new model for marketers to navigate the buyer’s journey. Briefly, we talked how the...

    Facebook and Instagram: The Heat Is On

    by Marc Pitcher on Tue, Nov 03, 2020 @ 08:46 PM

    When it was announced this month that Ron Johnson would be leaving as VP of retail Operations at apple to occupy the CEO...

    A critical component of every successful venture is an understanding of customers and what they want from your product. Not...

    5 Steps to Success with Social Media Data Analysis

    by Wes Fu on Thu, Oct 08, 2020 @ 01:28 PM

    Due to the rise of social media, communication and interaction has changed between people. Instead of untraceable direct...

    With the recent announcement regarding Apple's latest iPad offering, (named not the iPad 3, or iPad HD, but quite simply,...

    In part one of this two-part blog series we addressed the power of AI and machine intelligence and their applications in...

    Keep your soap and washcloth within arms reach; figuring out the pricing strategy for your new product can be a sticky...