Silicon Valley Research Group Inc. is a socially responsible provider of market research and strategic consulting services. Offering a wide variety of programs and international market research expertise. The mission of SVRG Philanthropy is to support programs that work to meet community needs in an innovative and impactful manner.

Silicon Valley Research Group philanthropy

Silicon Valley Research Group’s philanthropy consists of the following three major pillars:

  1. Respondent Incentive Giving
  2. Pro-bono & Reduced Fees Service Contributions
  3. Direct Contributions


Respondent Incentive Giving

Market research survey and interview respondents earn incentives and rewards for their opinions. We encourage respondents to contribute all of part of their earned incentives to a list of recommended charities or to one of their choosing. A receipt for the contribution in the respondent’s name from the charity is then forwarded to the respondent. The following is a partial list of charities we have supported in the past through our respondent incentive programs.


Pro-bono & Reduced Fee Service Contributions

Silicon Valley Research Group will take on non-profit clients on a reduced fee or pro-bono basis as our way of making contributions to the communities we live in. Organizations we have contributed to in this manner include:


Direct Contributions

Silicon Valley Research Group has also made generous direct contributions on behalf of itself and its employees in times of crisis and need. Past contributions have included the following: